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Materials for Mosaic

Salt Dough Mosaic Tiles

1) Mix together the flour and salt in a mixing bowl.

You Will Need:

   1 cup - Flour 

1/2 cup - Salt

1/4 cup - Water 

2) Slowly add water to make a dough

 (if it becomes too sticky - add more flour).

3) Model and move the dough into different shapes. 

See what shapes you can make with the dough.

- This may inspire you and give you ideas for future artistic creations!

4) Sprinkle some flour onto your work surface. 

This is to make sure that the dough does not stick.


5) *For round shapes, start to follow the instructions BLUE instructions*

Make the dough into a ball and then roll the ball

out so it becomes flat. 

-You could use a rolling pin.

-If you do not have a rolling pin, look for an

alternative object (I'm using an empty jar!).

6) Cut the dough into small tiles.

Round Tiles:

5) Roll the dough into sausage shapes

- Cut along the sausage shape creating small disks.

- Flatten the disks with your finger.

Return to step 7

7) * Adult assistance needed* 

Place the tiles onto a baking tray and cook for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees - Get an adult to help!

- The time may change a little bit depending on the thickness. 

- When the dough becomes hard they should be ready.

8) With an adult's help, take out of the oven carefully, and allow to cool.

Making Round Tile 

9) Paint tiles your chosen colours.


Pumpkin Seed Mosaic Tiles

1) Think about the design you want to create with the Pumpkin seeds.

What colours will you need to include?

2) Place the seeds on a piece of scrap paper so that the paint does not get onto your work surface.

3) Paint the seeds with the colours that you would like to include within your mosaic design.

4) Allow the seeds to dry.


5) The Painted Seeds can be pressed into modeling clay or glued onto paper/ other materials.



Buttons can be used as an alternative to mosaic tiles. 

Spread some buttons out on your workspace and explore making different shapes and designs.

You can create your own backgrounds to stick your button design onto.

Ideas for designs:

Writing your name, under the sea, nature, heart, star, sun.

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